Application Materials
The complete application materials are available here. Please be sure to read through the documents thoroughly. We strongly recommend potential applicants make an appointment to meet with staff before submitting an application.
All application documents need to be printed and signed and submitted in one complete package. CEQA documents can be submitted on a flash-drive due to size. Staff will not review application documents in advance or piece by piece when emailed.
Staff time for inquires/research will be billed per our fee schedule (linked below). For any extraordinary requests requiring additional research or assistance of staff exceeding 30 minutes, there shall be a $80.00 per hour charge payable to LAFCO. A deposit may be required to be paid in advance.
LAFCO Policy Manual
Application Packet: This packet contains the forms necessary to process a change of organization/reorganization under the Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000.
Application for Reconsideration: Use this form to apply for a reconsideration of a resolution of the Riverside LAFCO.
Application Related Documents
Contributions & Expenditure Disclosure Requirements